Awards, Writing

Go Sister, Soul Sister

You know that book they turned into a movie with the amazing America Ferrera?  The one with the group of girls who shared the magical pair of pants?  That would be really cool if that happened in real life, right?  A bond of friendship so strong it magically transforms your life and the size of those jeans.

Well, the magic of the interweb has gifted me with the blogging bond of Sherri Matthew‘s friendship and support.  And as if that were not enough, she’s nominated me for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award.  Sadly, it does not come with a pair of magical blue jeans, but there are other perks.

Will these take me to Greece?

~ ~The Rules ~ ~

  1. Provide a link to and thank the blogger who nominated you for this award.
  2. Answer ten questions.
  3. Nominate 10-12 blogs that you find a joy to read.
  4. Provide links to these nominated blogs and kindly let the recipients know they have been nominated.
  5. Include the award logo within your blog post.

~ ~Ten questions to be answered ~ ~

  1. Your favorite color …. Purple (though I tend to wear a lot of blue)
  2. Your favorite animal … Black lab (though I’ve never owned one)
  3. Your favorite non-alcoholic drink … Cafe Mocha (I’m attempting to perfect it in house)
  4. Facebook or Twitter … Facebook (lots of kakking, but no tweeting)
  5. Your favorite pattern … Chevron, baby (for now)
  6. Do you prefer getting or giving presents?  Giving (though I wouldn’t mind a Frye boot donation 😉 )
  7. Your favorite number … Three (grew up in a family of three – Mom, Dad, me – and now have three.  How did that happen!?)
  8. Your favorite day of the week …One that I can stay in my pjs and read/write and no one rings the bell
  9. Your favorite flower … Hydrangea
  10. What is your passion? … Writing – and ice cream

~ ~ The Nominees ~ ~

There are quite a few blogs I love reading.   The ladies behind the ones I’ve listed below write pieces that make me feel as if they knew what I needed at that moment; that make me feel like I’m not the only one who’s having this, that, or another horrible feeling; that bring hope from isolation.  And quite frequently make me laugh my pants off. Through their reading and comments, they make me feel that my own words are not in vain.  So for those sisters I never knew I had and may have never even met, this one’s for you.

Kathy at Chasing Clever

Marlyn at Kintal 

Charlotte at momaste

Miss Fanny P at The Adventures of Fanny P

Ruby Tuesday at I Was Just Thinking 

Rachel at The Red Tent

Casi at Mama Cravings

Off Duty Mom

Natalie at Happy Cat 13

Megan at The War in My Brain

I invoke the song in the title because it’s got a funky beat you can dance to, but in no way am endorsing Lady Marmalade’s career choices 😉


21 thoughts on “Go Sister, Soul Sister

    • Jennifer Butler Basile says:

      Thank you! As someone interested in young adult literature, I find it incredibly interesting how many YA books are turned into movies. And how many adults flock to see them never being the wiser that their tweens and teens should have already read them!


  1. Little Mighty says:

    Congratulations on the nomination. Just like the movie, you already possess wonderful friendship and support from your fellow bloggers and family. Great post as always.


  2. happycat13 says:

    Good day, Jennifer! When I discovered you here in cyber world, I was ecstatic to know there was another soul who was not afraid to share her innermost thoughts and feelings so articulately. Thank you! ❤ I feel honored that you considered me for this award. Have a MARVELOUS day!!


  3. Pingback: ‘Sisterhood of the World Bloggers’ | happycat13

  4. I haven’t heard of this book or film Jennifer, but what a great post about this award. I love the idea of sharing magical jeans, but, as you say, better to share a blogging bond and friendship here with you, for which I’m so grateful. Many congratulations again, and ‘Go sister, Soul Sister’… 🙂


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